Rode 10mi today with Katie doing only south city hill repeats of Southwest, Arsenal, Sublete, and Macklind. The deal is ride to the Hill, ride down the hill and then up it, then down it and up it again, then ride to the next hill and repeat. I have been doing this ride since we bought our house 4yrs ago because the entire ride takes place within 1.5mi from our place and the you can do a ton in only an hour and be totally worked. It's snowing right now so that means tomorrow we will hit up fopo on the cx bikes. I will make sure to bring the camera as there is destin to be some funny shit that will happen. Tonight it's and early rise at 4am for ol'stormy, till tomorrow. Hope all the jerks that are riding around LV tonight on there hill bikes in the snow with lights...you are all a bunch of jerks. wish I was there.
You did miss an epic evening of riding...Keep up the blorg and your personal challenge.